I am thrilled to let you know that we have many members of our community back out on the trail. I took a few moments to reflect on lessons I have learned in 2020.
My purpose remains unchanged
Each summer Ali and I spend at least two weeks walking in the mountains with Robbie (12) and Annabel (10). Last year we walked the GR5 from Lake Geneva to Chamonix. This is the highlight of our year (although the kids might say differently). We chat for hours, are challenged, get tired, learn, laugh, spend time in nature, try new food, meet new people around the table in mountain refuges and spend real quality time together.
Each #macsmoment adds up to a very special time for us as a family. They make life worth living.
My purpose in life is to enable our community to create their own moments with their loved ones. In a small way this makes a positive impact on people and planet. It is my privilege to have found my purpose and serve our community.
You, the Macs Adventure community, are exceptional
I wrote to you at the end of March, when it felt like our world was falling apart, I was in a difficult place.
You, the Macs Adventure community, responded with over 500 personal messages of love and support. You shared your experiences, memories, anecdotes, photos and so much more of what makes Macs Adventure and our trips mean so much to you.
Thank you!
Your support and encouragement have given us the strength to battle through the storm.
A special shout out to all of you who have shared your memories, plans and stories on the Macs Adventure Community on Facebook.
Less travel is better
A surprising statement from the CEO of an international travel company, whose working life has been spent encouraging people to travel more. In truth it has taken this crisis to explore the unease that has been building around my dilemma that travel has both a positive and negative impact.
Walking and climbing in the European Alps the impacts of climate change and over tourism are all too obvious. The receding glaciers, insensitive development and sanitised high-volume alpine resorts bear witness to the damage we are causing.
I hope that travel as a meaningless act of over consumption and exploitation does not return. It is time for change.
Travel should be:
carefully considered,
have a positive impact,
transform lives for the better,
be sustainable.
I believe that our style of travel is better and sustainable, but there is still much we need to do to get our house in order. This will be a key focus for Macs Adventure over the coming years.
Although it continues to be a very difficult time for many of our community around the world, I am energised by our work to connect people with each other and the extraordinary adventures they share.
Together we can make travel better and have a positive impact on the world. Thank you for your support.
Yours in adventure,
Founder & CEO
Macs Adventure
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore