Did you know that Europe is very well connected by rail?
Keep your feet firmly on the ground with our no-fly adventures! By removing the need to jump on a jet, these trips are more planet-friendly, plus you’re skipping the airport madness. You’ll often find the journey to your destination can be just as enjoyable as the adventure itself. So, settle down in your seat and watch the world go by, or book a bunk on an overnight sleeper train, which can connect you in comfort with cities in Germany, Austria, Italy and beyond.
Discover the easiest way to travel plane-free using Rome2Rio
We want our trips to not only create lasting memories, but have a positive impact on the world around us. By using other forms of transportation rather than flying, you are contributing to a better, more sustainable form of travel and enjoying an eco-friendly way to holiday.Â
Read more about our commitment to low impact travel here -> Sustainable Travel Journey
All aboard a train and chug-chug-chug your way across several countries where exquisite scenery rolls by. Or travel by boat and be immersed in refreshing salty sea air with the calming, rhythmic sound of the waves.Â