Active in 2025 offer is now over

Missed out on this offer?

Don't worry, stay tuned for more exciting events and vacation offers in the future! With the largest range of self-guided hiking and biking tours, and over 20 years of experience in planning self-guided adventures, you won't find more choice anywhere else for your adventure.

Terms and conditions:

  • Make a provisional booking (by paying a deposit) before February 28th, 2025.
  • Travel in 2025 (your booking start date should be in 2025).
  • Not available in conjunction with any other monetary offers or discounts.
  • The discount is $150 USD ($200 CAD) off the total cost of a booking. It must all be used at once and can only be redeemed on one booking.
  • A minimum order value of $2500 USD (or equivalent) applies
    The discount is £100 in GBP, $200 AUD, $220 NZD, 2300R ZAR, €120 EUR, $150 USD, $200CAD.
$ - USD - US Dollar
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