Highlights of the Fife Coastal Path
1 Min Read
04 August 2022
Highlights of the Fife Coastal Path

The Fife Coastal Path is a plethora of interesting sights and here are a few of the highlights:

  • St Andrew's Castle - This ruined castle is located on a rocky promontory just outside St Andrew's. It overlooks a small beach named Castle Sands and has been destroyed and rebuilt many times since the 1600's and the Wars of Scottish Independence. 
  • Crail Harbour - This classic harbour is peaceful and iconic. It's used by about 12 seasonal craft and is a lovely place to visit at any time of year. Why not try the local lobster in a seafood restaurant or treat yourself to afternoon tea in a quaint cafe?
  • The Forth Bridge - The Forth Bridge is famous the world-over and it is also the world's longest cantilever bridge. In 2015 it became a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site and trains have been running over it since 1890. It is a triumph of engineering. It's name is supposed to come from the name of a nearby lord who died whilst fighting in the Crusades.
  • Elie Ness Lighthouse - It is hard to belive but a lighthouse was first lit here in 1098! It was built to allow sailors to see the nearby rocky cliffs. 
    It sits atop a small area of land between Inchkeith and the Isle of May. IT had a full restoration in 2010 and is maintained by the Elie Ness Historical Society.
  • The Fishing village of Pittenweem - At the beginning of August this whole village is turned into an arts festival, which is now in its 39th year! Aside from this it is a charming and traditional fishing village. Why not have a break at Nicholson's Sweet and Icecream shop for a sweet treat. 


Sally Thompson

Written by

Sally Thompson
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