14 things I have learned while cycle touring
I have enjoyed many cycle tours, both carrying my own kit and relishing the luxury of my luggage being transferred between accommodations. Here are 14 things I have discovered about cycle touring.
1 Cycle touring offers an amazing sense of freedom. You can ride as far as you want each day and according to your own plan and timetable. You are limited only by your fitness, mental resolve, aspirations and the opinions of those that you plan to cycle with.
2 Solo cycle touring offers the ultimate freedom.
3 Solo cycle touring feels liberating and empowering.
4 Cycle touring with a friend, your family or a group brings the benefits of great chat and shared experiences as you travel.
5 Modern cycling bags called bike packs allow you to transport all that you might need for a week or two of cycling in good weather – and without need for a pannier rack.
6 Travelling with a company such as Macs Bike removes the need for carrying your own luggage because on many trips you can request that your luggage is transferred for you.
7 The sense of travelling from A to B each day brings purpose to your cycling and your holiday.
8 Cycling is the perfect pace for covering the miles and seeing things as you ride along. It also beings you closer to the culture and landscape of a country or region.
9 A cycling tour can be hilly and challenging or flat and easy going. It can be in a new place or one your have visit before. It can be warm and sunny or cooler and higher. It’s up to you.
10 Cycle touring keeps you fit on holiday. How many times have you returned from a vacation to find you are half a stone heavier because you have sat around at the beach or the pool? A cycling holiday brings none of these woes even if you eat and drink to your content.
11 Cycle touring gives you an excuse to give into your the N + 1, where N is the new bike that you always think you should have. You could treat yourself to the type of bike that will be most comfortable while touring long distances. I have a sportive style bike for a more comfortable position on a bike.
12 Cycle touring should be done in comfort so it also allows you a little retail therapy. Buying new cycle clothing and kit can be very enjoyable.
13 Cycle touring brings you kudos among friends and lot of talk about when you meet with people. It can also help you to meet new people, especially if you are cycling on your own. Solo cycle tourers often end up cycling together.
14 Cycle touring is addictive. One holiday leads to another and another. Before you know it you have taken the summer off work to cycle across a whole country. The next step is a year or two to cycle around the world!
Start by choosing the perfect cycle tour holiday.

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