In December 2018 we ran a facebook advent calendar contest for a bit of festive fun. To enter, we asked our friends and followers to answer some of life's important questions, from "What's the one item you can't travel without" to "What's the funniest thing that's happened on your travels" Your answers were brilliant, and put a smile on our face so we've rounded up some of the most compelling, inspiring, frank, and funny things we learned from you. [caption id="attachment_29435" align="aligncenter" width="900"] There was a daily prize giveaway...[/caption]
You can't travel without....
Making memories is top priority, as the most popular item was, of course, a camera (with a phone not far behind). We've seen some of your photography through our #MacsMoment contest, your moments captured really do make our job a special one! Sherry Marriner made us smile with her comment " My Husband! I personally know the 'how to's' of travel planning, but I would be 'lost' without him. (....and he is quite an 'item"!!) Awwwh. [caption id="attachment_25646" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Love or loathe it, a phone is an essential travel companion (but make sure you switch it off some of the time!)[/caption]
You love caffeine as much as us! (It's fate)
49 of you joined in on Day 7 to share your favourite way to start the day. We may have influenced the result with our photo, but it seems we all love a good strong cup of tea or coffee to get us going. It was interesting to see a lot of you get out for a brisk walk in the morning - we might need to try this! Christine Harrold won us over when she shared this adorable picture of her furry friends " I start the day walking with the pups" If only you lived close by we would be asking for a puppy visit. [caption id="attachment_29436" align="aligncenter" width="742"] We might need an office puppy now...[/caption]
Your a loving bunch.
It was very heartwarming that when we asked the most popular things you can't travel without ... top 10 was your significant other! It was clear to see how much friends and family mean to you all, when we asked you to tag your favorite travel companion 67 of you tagged your loved ones and shared some great adventure pictures. We loved this one from Marie " Awesome hike on the West Highland Way with my Pittsburgh hiking tribe!" You look great!
Your resolutions are inspiring - we might just pinch some of them!
We were inspired by you, and it was awesome to see ADVENTURES was definitely the overriding theme of your resolutions, which is top of ours too. Some of our favourite bits of motivation & inspiration from your resolutions were: Celeste Weaver: " I want to make a point, everyday, to throw kindness around like confetti” Ellen Evans: "Camp more, fish more, paddle more, generally get more time having fun. Life is short enjoy it" Sara Davies Sessions: "I am learning to cherish the limited time I have with my incredible boys and to appreciate the amazing man I am married to (and who will be my partner on another MACS adventure this summer)" [caption id="attachment_29438" align="alignnone" width="900"] #Macsmoment captured by Deny Dotson[/caption]
You've got to laugh....
We really enjoyed your responses to Day 17's question: What's the funniest thing that's happened to you on your travels? So let's finish with a giggle... Suzanne Vaillancourt: "Taking someone's boots by mistake on the camino..they were the same but half size bigger told my daughter, these don't feel hour later lady pulls by in car screaming...hey ! You have my boots! I felt embarrassed, but now laugh about it!" Christine Julliet: "On the Inca trail to Macchu Picchu there was some noise outside the tent, I got out and there was a donkey just doing its thing" Christine Harrold: "Trying to take a selfie with a remote control in the Cotswolds. We couldn’t get it to work but refused to give up. One hour of “set up, pose, ready?” And no click. We laughed so hard!" [caption id="attachment_29439" align="alignnone" width="600"] You had to be there.... Christine & Briana in the Cotswolds[/caption] Thanks to everyone who took part for keeping us smiling throughout the festive period! As always, to discuss any adventure plans for 2019, simply contact the team on Wishing everyone a happy new year!
This post was published following December 2018's Advent Contest on Macs Adventure's facebook page.