Exploring a region from the seat of a bike is exciting. There is something special about propelling yourself along a route, bonding with your bike, so that after every stop you are eager to jump back on and get going again. But, it can be daunting for people who have not been on a bike for a while, I understand that, however, the way to get past this nervousness is just to do it. Luckily, we have some trips where 'just doing it' couldn't be simpler and the best example of this is the Moselle Cycle Path.
In a nutshell
Distance: 202km. Now, this does sound like a long way for someone who has not cycled for a while, but fear not, as you will see below this is going to be the easiest 200km of your life.
Grade: Easy! Travelling along the banks of the Moselle, you are treated to ironing board-flat paths. With minimal effort on the pedals, you can coast along this traffic-free, dedicated cycle route with no worries at all. You can just focus on the scenery and your next stop.
The Moselle cycle path stretches from Trier to Koblenz in western Germany, close to the border with France and Luxembourg. Trier is the oldest town in Germany, in large part, thanks to the Romans and is a beautiful town to start your adventure. You then cycle along the flat route, through picture-book, fairytale villages, in the shadow of the steep, vineyard laden hillsides until you reach Koblenz. Here the meeting of the Rhine and the Moselle marks the end of your journey.
Why Cycle Here?
Without meaning to flog a dead horse here, it is because it is Easy. This lack of challenge is not up every cyclist's street, but the simple act of coasting along with the breeze in your hair, not having to worry about your quadriceps burning during a massive climb makes for an entirely relaxing journey. The size of the Moselle makes it feel like a slow-moving 'lazy' river, and you soon get into this relaxed pace. Sitting on the banks, eating a picnic as the river gurgles beside you, or hearing the distant hum of a slow-moving river cruiser make its way along the river, you can literally feel your shoulders drop, and the cares of the world drift away.
Green! This is one of the most intensely green trips we sell. Not only in the modern sense of the word, where you are not using any form of transport other than your own power, but in the more traditional sense, the scenery is so rich and verdant that it feels like the modern world is far away. The river is thinner and more charming than the Rhine. It is also quieter, so your sense of peace and relaxation is laid out for you on this trip. Wine. There is an intense amount of wine production in this area. Many of us will not remember German wine fondly. There was a wave of terribly sweet wines that flooded the international market in the 80s and 90s, and this has somewhat marred Germanys international reputation as a winemaker. However, the outside world sees a tiny percentage of what Germany actually produces, most of their wine is created for the home market and what an incredible, eclectic array of flavours you will find here. The Moselle is blessed with an overwhelming amount of wine cellars and pedalling along flat, traffic-free paths may mean that you can sample a few glasses as you travel. (Always drink responsibly and all that though!) There are also frequent wine festivals in the area, so before you go, take a look at www.mosel-weinfeste.de and see if there is anything happening when you are planning to go.
Lastly, it would be remiss of me to mention this trip without mentioning the local people. The Moselle is such an overwhelmingly friendly place to visit. The locals are always looking to chat, to offer advice or simply offer a smile and a greeting. While we will provide you with very comprehensive notes on the trip, there is no substitute for excellent local knowledge, and this is something you will get in abundance on a trip to the Moselle.
Planning and preparation:
Getting to the Moselle Cycle Path is reasonably straightforward. Trier and Koblenz are both accessible by train. You can fly into Frankfurt and Cologne and within three hours will be in your first hotel and ready to start your adventure. If you have any questions about the region or the cycling adventure, don’t hesitate to contact info@macsadventure.com and one of the team will be more than happy to get back to you.