Food and love have always gone hand in hand – and through the centuries there are particular foods that are believed to be aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. Indeed, almost every year and around the time that we celebrate Valentine’s Day, new products are added to the list. Apparently, one of the latest foods of love is the turnip! The Turnip Marketing Board (of course!) reveals research that shows turnips are the vegetable of love. We take a look at some of the more common foods believed to have aphrodisiac powers, and a few more unusual ideas.
Asparagus & avocados
Asparagus is a source of Vitamin E, which is also connected to stimulation of the sex hormones. It’s unlikely a few stalks of asparagus will make much difference but there is no harm in adding them to a romantic meal!
It’s the chemicals of anandamide and phenylethylamine, which are said to boost the feel-good hormone, serotonin, which may well be responsible for making this a popular aphrodisiac. However, it’s not really known how much of the chemicals our brains absorb and munching you way through a large bar of chocolate might actually be a passion killer. You could always try dipping a couple of strawberries in melted chocolate though!
Crunch and boost
This vegetable contains phyto-androgens, which is similar to testosterone. Enough said.
Spicy foods are well known for warming you up and getting the heart pumping, so, who knows? Maybe chillies, although not too many in one go, are the routes to an evening of romance.
Strange but true
Oysters aren’t exactly the most romantic looking of foods but they are high in zinc and this is meant to regulate sexual hormones. The more likely reason for oysters being connected with romance is that it’s the rather intimate way of eating them.
The Pomegranate is also known as the “love apple”. It is known to be high in anti-oxidants and linked to boosting blood flow.
Red wine
A cheeky glass of red.
Red wine is a delicious treat for couples – and also contains resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that helps boost blood flow and circulation and can make you feel warm and relaxed.
The essence of Roman love potions.
The Romans are said to have discovered the aphrodisiac qualities of rocket – and they used it in love potions. It is a great digestive aid and full of nutrients so it will definitely make you feel great, if nothing else.
The flavour of love.
Apparently a mild stimulator of the nerves, vanilla can make you feel more alert...Perhaps to the other person’s charms? With all this in mind, perhaps you will fancy booking a food, wine & gourmet walking holiday?