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Looking forward....
2 Min Read
07 March 2021
Looking forward....

Isn’t it wonderful to be planning travel once again? I spent last Sunday chatting to many of our travellers excited about booking a trip in 2021. What a great day!

Just over a year ago, on the 2nd of March 2020, I flew back from Colorado to manage the unfolding crisis at Macs Adventure. I’m thankful I didn’t realise at that stage just how tough the next twelve months would be for all of us in every way.

The past few months have seen some dark times and grim news. But the recent news on declining cases, the easing of restrictions, rapid vaccine rollout, the relaxation of travel restrictions and a roadmap back to normality are so much more positive.

In the UK we fully expect domestic travel to restart from the 17th of May 2021, European destinations to reopen in mid to late June, once a “vaccine passport” is in place and long haul destinations from late summer. Across the world the route forward for reopening and travel is of course different.

I'm certain that by mid to late summer we will all be living the life that we all love. Filled with new tastes, smells, sights, sounds, experiences and people.

Our trips visit communities that are hugely reliant on tourism. Our suppliers and friends in these communities are so looking forward to welcoming you back. Sharing their life, homes, food, drink and trails with you is what makes them tick. We can all make a huge difference to these communities by choosing to travel as soon as it is safe and we are able to.

Yes, it is worrisome planning travel again. Will I be able to go? What happens if there are new restrictions? What happens if I need to change plans or cancel?

We are here to support you every step of the way. Our experts can advise on reopening dates, entry requirements, current restrictions and support you every step of the way.

Additionally, you can rely on our Peace of Mind Guarantee. This promises free changes for any reason up to four weeks before your trip starts, and a money back guarantee if you have to cancel your trip for any reason related to COVID-19. Yes, any reason!

If you would prefer to stay closer to home this year please do check out our walking trips and cycling trips in UK, USA, Canada and Australia. So, wherever you are based we have a walking, biking or active trip close by.

I'm sure you'll be aware that there is huge pent-up demand for travel. If you're planning a trip with us in 2021 I'd urge you to make the arrangements as soon as possible. We already seeing availability constraints in many popular areas.

We are all so looking forward to getting back out on the trail.  See you there!

Yours in adventure,

Neil Lapping

Founder & CEO

Macs Adventure

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