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Macs Adventure Reviews
1 Min Read
07 December 2010
Macs Adventure Reviews
In December 2009 we implemented a Macs Adventure customer review programme with the aim of sharing our customer feedback, making it easier for you to choose the most suitable holiday and improving the service we offer. Our review programme has been a huge success and we now have over 370 customer reviews live on our website (100% of customer reviews are approved). I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken the time to submit a review and for the hundreds of positive comments we have had. We don't always get it 100% right and since publishing our reviews we have had to be more responsive than ever to customer feedback, which has substantially improved our holidays and adventures. So thanks for helping us to improve! We are making a number of improvements to our customer review programme and we hope that this will further improve your experience of using the Macs Adventure website:
  1. All Macs Adventure Reviews are now available in one place here...
  2. All new customer reviews will soon be appearing on our blog as soon as they are live. (I'm still working on this but it will be coming soon)
I hope that you will find our reviews useful when choosing your walking or active holiday and we would welcome any feedback on how we could further improve our customer reviews. Our goal for 2011 is to have over 750 reviews live so please keep them coming.

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