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Now you can walk the Scottish 'Archies'
2 Min Read
17 June 2015
Now you can walk the Scottish 'Archies'

A new classification of mountains could become the next goal for keen walkers. The 130 mountains are called Archies and defined as having a summit of 1000m or more and located on the Scottish mainland.

The so-called Archies have come about after a Scottish runner and walker Paul Fettes dreamt up a charity challenge to raise funds for the Archie Foundation, which supports the development of facilities for children’s hospitals.

Paul, an anaesthetist at a Dundee hospital, led Archie's Mountain Challenge, which saw a non-stop, man-powered relay of walkers, runners, cyclists and kayakers reach the top of every one of the newly named Archies. The event took place over 15 days in June and raised thousands of pounds for the foundation. Now Paul wants to make these mountain peaks famous by classifying the Archies as a list for people to tick off. The chances are this will be very popular given the number of people who enjoy “bagging” hills and mountains.

On top of an Archie.
On top of an Archie

Paul explains the background to his Archies. He said: “All mountain classifications in Scotland, such as the Munros and Corbetts, are measured in imperial heights, over 3,000ft and over 2500ft. But what about the more modern approach of metric measurements? “When I came up with the Archie’s Mountain Challenge I decided to change the approach to mountain bagging and walk the ‘1km up’ peaks. I think this new Archies list will have great appeal to walkers, perhaps those who are looking for a shorter challenge list than the 282 Munros or the 221 Corbetts.

“The 130 Archies feel like a thoroughly modern goal and also something that is achievable for a wider range of people, such as families. 

“If we have the Archies officially named it will also continue to raise awareness for The Archie Foundation. The charity does so much incredible work in the north of Scotland to make hospital experiences for children far more relaxed and positive.”

World famous mountain lists

A notable mountains list is either defined by an author or group. So, for example, the Munros of Scotland were first listed by Sir Hugh Munro. Once listed people then head off to “bag” each peak and keep a record of their achievement. Alternatively, a list of mountains can become notable in the mountaineering community as a challenge. An example of such a challenge list is the Seven Summits defined by Richard Bass.

Famous world mountains lists

  • The eight-thousanders are the 14 mountains over 8,000m in height, all in the Himalaya and Karakoram ranges in Asia.
  • The Seven Summits are the highest peaks on each continent, including Everest.
  • The Ultras are mountains worldwide that have a relative height of at least 1,500m.

Mont Blanc. Pic credit: Roman Boed on Flickr Mont Blanc. Pic credit: Roman Boed on Flickr

Famous European mountains lists

  • The Alpine four-thousanders are the 128 summits of 4,000m or more in the Alps in Italy, France and Switzerland.
  • The Pyrenean three-thousanders are the 129 summits of 3,000m or more in the Pyrenees in France and Spain.

Munro bagging is a popular pursuit in Scotland. Munro bagging is a popular pursuit in Scotland.

Famous British mountains lists

It’s in Britain that perhaps the keenest mountain and hill baggers can be found. Here there are numerous lists including:

  • The Munros: The 282 Scottish mountains with a summit of 3000ft or 914.4m or more.
  • The Furths: The British and Irish mountains over 3000ft that would be Munros, but they are located "furth" of Scotland.
  • The Corbetts: The 221 mountains in Scotland between 2,500ft (762m) and 3,000ft (914m), with a relative height of at least 500ft (152.4m).
  • The Marilyns: British hills that have a relative height of at least 150m
  • (492ft), regardless of distance or absolute height or other merit. There are 1,554 Marilyns in Britain and 453 Marilyns in Ireland.
  • The Wainwrights: The 214 fells in the English Lake District that have a chapter in one of Alfred Wainwright's Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells.
  • The Hewitts: The hills in England, Wales or Ireland over 2,000ft (609.6m) with a relative height of at least 30m (98ft).

Are you ticking off any mountains lists?


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