Whether you choose a cycling or walking adventure in either Bordeaux or Burgundy you are likely to fall in love with both regions, especially if, like me, you are a complete francophile. Being immersed in these charming and delightful parts of France, ambling or pedalling through the countryside and experiencing their innate culture and history would simply make me the happiest person alive. Both areas are world-famous for their wine-making, which has been going on for centuries.
As George. R.R. Martin once said “wine makes every meal an occasion, every taste more elegant and every day more civilised.” I completely agree with George, but unbeknownst to me, and maybe to all you other laid-back wine drinkers out there, these two regions hold ancient rivalries and grudges over which wines are better. Personally I would quite happily sip on a red or white wine in a village square on a warm summer’s evening in either region, but then again I cannot call myself a wine connoisseur! It turns out that many wine buffs would happily have a debate on the merits of one over the other. So what is it that separates them and why is there this “great divide”? After reading into it more I discovered the following:
Bordeaux wines
Bordeaux’s wine area has historically been affluent and is dominated by large estates, producing red and white wines which are blended from various grape varieties. Aficionados argue that these wines are perhaps more complex because a wide variety of grapes are used, as well as being produced in large quantities and therefore easier to buy. Conversely perhaps the flavours are too complex to appeal to a younger audience and the prices for Bordeaux wines are said to be much too high.
Burgundy wines
Burgundy is composed of small, family-run businesses that use only pinot-noir grapes for reds and chardonnay grapes for whites. Burgundy wines are less expensive than Bordeaux wines, with a fresher and lighter taste that do appeal to the younger generations. To be completely honest, after reading all of the information and educating myself regarding these two wine regions, I still stick with my original theory…which is that ”Personally I would quite happily sip on a red or white wine…in either region.” This is probably quite blasphemous in the world of wine growers, and I am certainly not one to drink wine that tastes like vinegar. But wine connoisseur or not, you can decide for yourself between Burgundy or Bordeaux and imagine sublimely sipping on a glass of wine in a village square in either place…or maybe both! Oh and I just this minute heard on the news that a glass or two wine every day makes you live longer, just one more reason to love wine in general!