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This Week on Instagram - Spain, Tuscany, Scotland & the Channel Islands
1 Min Read
20 May 2016
This Week on Instagram - Spain, Tuscany, Scotland & the Channel Islands
Our team have been out discovering the legends of Channel Islands and the best foodie fare in Tuscany this week. Not to mention, we've had some fabulous #MacsMoment entries from the Great Glen Way and Sierra de Grazalema! Here are our top moments from Instagram:

1) Angus Ferguson takes on the Great Glen Way...


2) Beautiful walks in Andalucia.


3) Your friendly neighbourhood ghost in Little Sark...


4) Who let the cows out?

Carefully closing the gate so animals don't get out. #macsmoment A photo posted by Thea Severn (@tvsevern) on

5) Paradise in the Channel Islands.


6) Shipwrecked on the Great Glen Way.


7) Ciao, bella.


8) Horsing around in Sark.

To join the conversation on Instagram, remember to tag your walking and cycling holiday photos with #macsmoment or send your photos to info@macsadventure.com.
Mireia Marques

Written by

Mireia Marques
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