Volcanic Ash Update - 12:00 Wednesday 05 May 2010
Unfortunately Scottish Airports are again being affected by closures, cancellations and delays caused by volcanic ash.
We would suggest that you reconfirm flights over the next couple of days before travelling to the airport as many airline schedules have been substantially dusrupted and may take some time to return to normal. The situation is dynamic and you should visit the CAA website - http://www.caa.co.uk - for updates on the current situation.
If you have not yet travelled:
We appreciate that the disruption has caused our clients considerable inconvenience and disruption and are sorry that your holiday plans are being affected by these events. As all our holidays are land only, most of our clients remain unaffected by the flight disruption, we are planning on running all our holidays as planned. If you think that you may be affected by cancellations and/or delays and your holiday starts in the next few days please could you let us know by phone or email as soon as possible so that we can make any changes or amendments to your booking as soon as possible. Although we are doing our utmost to minimise cancellation and amendment charges we work with a large number of suppliers and depending on their policies we may have to charge cancellation charges. We will issue cancellation invoices where appropriate and suggest that you claim from your travel insurance. If your holiday start date is the 8th May 2010 or beyond please monitor the situation on the CAA Website and unless you know that your flight is delayed or cancelled please do not contact us as we plan on operating your holiday as planned and are very busy dealing with helping people who have already been affected by cancellations or delays. If your holiday start date is the 8th May 2010 or beyond and you choose to cancel your holoiday because you are concerned that your flight may be disrupted by volcanic ash our standard booking conditions will apply and cancellation charges will be payable.If you are currently stranded abroad/in transit or in the UK:
Firstly, I hope that you have had a wonderful holiday and am sorry that you have been delayed and inconvenienced. Unfortunately, as we only sell "land only" packages we are not able to provide additional accommodation for those stranded abroad, in transit or in the UK. If you are stranded abroad please contact our local representative (or the Macs Adventure Office) who will do everything possible to assist you with making alternative travel and accommodation arrangements. You may find that your airline will provide food and accommodation in case of delay or cancellation, but every airline has a different policy and if this is not the case we , or our local ground handler, will do everything to assist you in making accommodation arrangements. We suggest that you keep all receipts and details of expenditure in order that you may claim from your travel insurance. I am really sorry if you have experienced delay or disruption and hope that flights will return to normal soon. Best Regards Neil Lapping Director
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