Walk of the Week: Camino Finisterre
The 25th of July is a special day in many parts of Spain as Christians celebrate the life of St James the Apostle. St James' Day is celebrated widely but particularly in communities around the Basque country and Galicia where the 25th is a public holiday.
To mark St James' Day we are taking a closer look at one of the most accessible pilgrimage routes, the Camino Finisterre.
[caption id="attachment_20050" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
The 'End of the World'[/caption]
One of Many Monuments to Pilgrims in Finisterre[/caption]

In a Nutshell
An 87km walk from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre through sleepy medieval villages dotted throughout the Galician countryside.Grading
Moderate. Although we do not discourage anyone from attempting any of our walking tours, the grading system is designed to ensure prospective clients are aware of what they are getting into. Trips defined as moderate are deemed ideal for regular walkers: the terrain on such trips varies, and there is also a fair amount of variation in the daily distance as-well-as ascent/descent.
Why Walk Here?
The Camino de Santiago holds different meanings for people which makes it difficult to communicate why one should walk the route, or part of it at least - most of those walking the Camino are looking for something; meaning, spiritual understanding, camaraderie, or closure. Of course, a large proportion are simply attracted by the physical challenge, the rich history, and the culture. One of the quieter pilgrimage routes the Camino Finisterre is completed only by the hardiest of pilgrims, not because this section is overly difficult but because many pilgrims stop when they reach Santiago de Compostela. The route differs from other pilgrimages in that it starts in what is the finishing point for most pilgrimages, Santiago de Compostela. Up until the days of Columbus, it was thought that Spain's Atlantic coast was the 'end of the World' hence Finisterre. Pilgrims would literally walk until they could walk no more. Galicia is a fascinating region steeped in tradition and culture. The rich history is shaped in a large way by the fact that Santiago de Compostela was, for a time, considered the 3rd city of Christendom. What might surprise first time visitors to Galicia is the colour of the landscape - hills shrouded in green trees and green rolling fields all the way to the dramatic Atlantic coast. Culinary delights are another pull factor, with over 300 annual fiestas celebrating the region's gastronomical prowess. The seafood in Galicia is as fresh as can be and, like most regions, Galicia produces a number of fine wines. Here growers utilise the mild conditions to great success in getting a variety of flavours from the Albariño grape. [caption id="attachment_20052" align="aligncenter" width="225"]
Planning Your Trip
The Camino Finisterre is available through Macs Adventure from the beginning of March up until the end of October, read about specific Camino Finisterre details on our website or if you have any queries please contact us at info@macsadventure.com.
Written by
George Hudson