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Walking through historic Hadrian&'s Wall Country
2 Min Read
06 May 2013
Walking through historic Hadrian&'s Wall Country
With my walking boots packed, I head off on my Hadrian’s Wall adventure on a sunny afternoon on the 28th March 2013. This was my first long distance walk and I was excited about what I would encounter over the next few days! I walked eastwards from Corbridge to Gilsland, I would love to say that I had the wind behind me and sun in front but what I got was a mixture of snow blizzards, sunshine, gusts of wind, rain and then some more sunshine, I think I experienced all four seasons each day! The weather made this trip a good challenge and the small remainder of snow still lying on the higher ground gave the scenery that special twist!IMG_0737 202 I was following the well sign posted Hadrian Wall trail, the walk is now defined as a National Trail and it is one of Britain’s most popular long distance walks so navigating my way was very easy and I didn’t get lost once….which I was very happy about! There is no doubt that walking in Hadrian’s Wall Country was a real pleasure to walk through with the area boasting an incredible amount of historic sites, I was short of time and would love to go back and experience Vindolanda and Housesteads forts in more detail! Every few miles I stumbled upon an old Roman ruin which made this whole historical walking experience come to life!229 I think this walk really does have something for everyone – it has everything from amazing archaeology to the spectacular landscapes; I have to say my favourite section of the walk is when I was walking from Once Brewed to Gilsland and looking back at the beautiful rock formation and rugged landscape that I had just trekked across, it was a this point that the landscape is so vast and I got a real sense of achievement, it is something that I would definitely recommend and think everyone should experience it!  - However I shouldn’t forget to mention the great pubs and the amount of friendly locals you will meet along the way! – They really did make my trip extra special! This walk was fun and I had a great time completing it, don’t get me wrong it was tough in some parts with some steep climbs but overall it was breathtaking and exhilarating! The best thing is the solitude and peacefulness that I found throughout the trip, it was an interesting experience to walk for days without any internet or mobile phone distractions and with limited interaction with other people until you reach your accommodation at the end of a quiet day….I am a firm believer that everyone should experience the great outdoors and find out what this trip has to offer! IMG_0713 IMG_0738  
Caroline Black

Written by

Caroline Black
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